A very visual experience, THE DEEP END takes you very slowly down from 20 Hz to about 17.5 Hz in the first half, then in the second half you will go steeply over THE DEEP END, and quickly arrive at a stable 3.9 Hz. An 8.3 Hz signal endures through out.

Submitted: 15-Nov-2004 by Adam
Download preset: THE_DEEP_END_1.0.bwg


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User comments

Hi, just recently downloaded bwgen, I have listened to some hemi-sync, and find it more relaxing due to the background music, so, I was wondering, would it effect the preset to play background music to the beats (like running a windows media .wav file with the preset?), and if so, then is there anything to consider as selecting the music? Thanks.

I dont think there would be a problem by adding music. Choose music with the right BPM as the desired frequency you want. the equation is:
Hz x 60 = BPM

so a desired frequency of 4Hz would mean a song with 240BPM.

hope this helps
What does BPM stand for and how do you determine the BPMs produced by some music
27-Oct-2005, tekan
BPM = Beats per minute

40BPM is good for the heart. It relaxes it. Don't try songs by Linkin Park, Bon Jovi and the likes. They make your heart pop out of your rib cage and land in a pile of mess.
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