MAP Week 05: Lucid Dreaming

Mastering Astral Projection Week 5: Lucid Dreaming


Directions: Sit or lie down comfortably, relax, and clear your mind. Listen to this preset for 30 to 60 minutes prior to sleep, then go to sleep immediately. Keep your mind as clear as possible while falling asleep. Raise energy and practice your mind taming exercises while listening to the program. If possible, try NOT to fall asleep during this preset.

Overview: All the lucid dreaming programs in this series were designed with the same approach, using several voices with a binaural beat frequency of 4 Hz (delta state ideal for OBE) while simultaneously playing several voices with a binaural beat frequency at or above 15 Hz (normal, waking consciousness). The simultaneous pull toward both sleeping and waking consciousness causes a slight internal tension that seems to stimulate the energy body, especially when raising energy using the full-body circuit (see chapter 3). Going to sleep after listening to this preset can provide very vivid and often lucid dreams, though the preset itself can bring on OBE symptoms and even a full-blown exit. If this should happen, relax and allow it to happen.

Each of the lucid dreaming programs uses background sounds to provide further relaxation. This week's program uses seagulls and ocean waves. Voices 1-6 are all set with a binaural beat frequency of 4 Hz, while voices 7-0 are at 15 Hz or greater. Many of the latter voices are also modulated and use slightly "harsher" waves for a little extra kick. Visual frequency is set to 4 Hz.

Of the four higher voices, two of the audible frequencies gradually descend then ascend, descend then ascend, etc., while the other two gradually ascend then descend, ascend then descend, for an effect that plays like a simultaneous pulling apart and coming together.

Preset Duration: 60 minutes.

Reminder: The presets in this program are designed to induce drowsiness. Do not listen to this or any of the presets in this program while driving or using heavy or potentially dangerous equipment.

To be used with the book "Mastering Astral Projection", a 90-day guide to learning how to have an out-of-body experience, by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer. "Mastering Astral Projection" is available at www. .com or directly from Llewellyn Worldwide Publishing. For more information, visit

Submitted: 17-Nov-2004 by
Download preset: MAP05a.bwg


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User comments

08-May-2006, mozze
Odd preset that bring the mind into confusion. At the end of the week I have to admit it was relief to just let the sound control the mind.
Very nice site!
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