Mind defuzzing

A quick boost to reenergize the mind. Only 10 minutes long, it removes the mental cobwebs and leaves you feeling mentally alert.

This preset is also set up for use with light goggles.

Submitted: 21-Nov-2003 by
Download preset: Mind_defuzzing.bwg


4 stars with 25 votes.
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User comments

This one works moderately well. My only suggestion would be to leave the preset running at the end, and let the person voluntarily shut it off, rather than fading it out. You figure, if they're really into it, why not let it run?
This preset is amazing, especially for sobering up!
Works great! Thank you! I didn't get enough sleep last night, and I had a 40 minute drive. I played the preset and perked up. I fell back into drowsiness, played it again, and was good for the better part of the day!

My husband thinks I'm a crackpot with all this brainwave stuff, but it worked for him too. He said he was too exhausted to do any chores after work, so I had him listen to the preset. As much as it pained him, he admitted it really worked!
03-Nov-2005, tetractis
Work really fine. 4-6 hours effect. thanks.
This is actually great, 30 seconds and I was very nervious and alert. Very reccomended for waking up the mind and be speedy...
15-Oct-2006, Artemis Hunter
Please list the frequencies.
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
bPhSgc <a href="http://nqgqphgfzonz.com/">nqgqphgfzonz</a>, [url=http://ijimgywfwkyx.com/]ijimgywfwkyx[/url], [link=http://dulxpftdybre.com/]dulxpftdybre[/link], http://wrutzikgtpsg.com/
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BrainWave Generator
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