Sleep Reducer (going down in stages)

I've just discovered a really good way to entrain myself. I have discovered

that, when sweeping down from from a high frequency down to a low frequency,

stopping a few times at frequencies along the way can enhance the

entrainment dramatically.

For example, I have just created a sleep reducer preset which goes from 15Hz

down to 5Hz in 19 minutes and stays there, and this is how it happens:

2 minutes at 15Hz to get settled in a relaxed position.

4.4 minutes sweeping from 15Hz down to 10.6Hz.

4.4 minutes at 10.6Hz ("Relaxed & Alert").

2.6 minutes sweeping down to 8Hz

2.6 minutes at 8Hz (border between Alpha and Theta)

3 minutes sweeping down to 5Hz

Continues to play at 5Hz (Theta sleep reduction frequency)

This works very well indeed. I actually find that this entrains far better

than if I had used the 19 minutes to do a continuous slow sweep from 15Hz to


I came up with this idea very recently after realising that sometimes, even

when the sweep speed was very gradual, a continuous sweep can sometimes

leave the brain behind somewhere along the line0, and then it takes a long

time to catch up once it's got down to the frequency.

This may be just me personally, I don't know.

Submitted: 07-Nov-2003 by
Download preset: Sleep_Reducer_(going_down_in_stages).bwg


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User comments

That makes sense. I'll try it soon
07-Dec-2003, Megan
I have not used this preset yet, but I have been using a sleep reducer pre-set for a few months now. I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, and this is marked by a disorder where stage four sleep (REM sleep) is constantly interrupted, so poor sleep is produced. Since I've been using it, I haven't had a dramatic decrease of fatigue, but there has been some. The problem is, I've either been too alert to really allow myself to get into the theta state, or I have become so sleepy/gotten into the hypnogogic state, that I fall asleep. Should I be sitting up in a chair, keeping myself out of the sleep state at all times, in order for it to really work? Am I supposed to see images/feel very relaxed, or should I feel normal/awake?
I exported this preset as a 35 minute-session wav, added a fade-out with Goldwave and tested it three times now. The preset is indeed a very relaxing and makes me feel comfortable especially when listening in the middle of the day. But despite the Theta frequency, I'd rather call is Sleep Inducer than Reducer, because I kept being pretty sleepy afterwards...
Update: I've heard this preset again a few times in bed while already being tired. The dreams I had were repeatedly rather strange, but I had a very clear remembrance the next morning. Gonna use it from time to time...
You've hit the ball out the park! Incriedlbe!
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