Neurotic Ego Balance

Aimed to minimize neurotic affects (such as self-indulgence, obsessive thoughts etc.) via brainwave entrainment. Uses freqs associated with states of wellbeing, euphory, progressive meditation. Reports from users include power nap, light vibrations, meditative states.


Please dont judje me if you wont have results with dis one. I tried the best.

Submitted: 12-May-2003 by
Download preset: NEB.bwg


1 stars with 12 votes.
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User comments

It definitely does make for pleasant feelings, although whether that's being caused by the preset itself, or the subconscious reacting to the name and description of the preset - that's the million dollar question.
I think one potential problem with it is it may have reduced results given multiple listens, since there isn't much variation to it.
Although, yeah - it has me feeling pretty pleasant right now. (Considering what a obsessive-compulsive mess I usually am, that's a pretty big accomplishment.)
I am really completely relaxed now. I feel some kind of coldness on my arms and legs (mainly my arms). Would this preset maybe also feel the energy flowing through my body?
27-Mar-2004, Kalani C. Sheperd
05-Nov-2005, Rage
Oh this is nice. Slightly Minty.

I have this problem when I get too happy and excited I start to feel bad physically. It's like I can't think straight and get hot and very tired. This preset makes it stop in like 2 to 3 minutes.

This makes me feel so much better! and I don't have to lie down and focus or anything for it to work.
It does not take away the happy, just the over-excited feelings I could not control before.
25-Oct-2006, Artemis Hunter
Rage, that is called anxiety. It does not always have to be associated with bad feelings.
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