
Drum beats in tempos matching the frequencies of the binaural beats and their carrier waves. Repeat as many times as you want, and you can also increase the length if it suits you. Beats corresponding to 4.6 hz, or in the vicinity of 4 hz. are common in medicine drumming practiced by Indians and Inuit. In Salzinger's Harmonic Cycle, 4.6 hz. corresponds to twilight around sunset, or around dawn, which is a time, acording to shamans, where the "crack between two worlds" is open. However, this preset can be listened to at any time you feel like it.

Submitted: 11-Dec-2002 by
Download preset: Drums-c.bwg


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User comments

26-Jan-2003, silversurfer2068
Very good work. It bring�s me to the point of a Trance, Clear State.
30-Mar-2003, mukusferry
amazing !!
pure trance.
just close my eyes and start flying ;D
This is my most favorite. Hearing it for more than 30 mins puts my into deep introspection state. I also use this as background along with my CD music. Thanks for the present. Would love to get more of drums kind of present from the same author. Great job Yanis!!
04-Jul-2005, JaJaJa
Whats even more amazing is that he using a computation formula to make all this stuff, just check his website! Thats Amazing! WOWOWOW!
very clear coptic chants with audible words occurred after 30 minutes (i am a copt).Faaantastic!
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