
Remember to add 1

Submitted: 10-Apr-2002 by Matt
Download preset: Fibronocci.bwg
Download background: NSW1565.WAV


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16-Apr-2002, Matt
Sorry wasnt suppose to say that really a note to myself when I was creating it. This preset is based upon the Fibronocci ratio, and the sound pitch is as well but a tenth higher. Also added as a background a Rife frequency said to balance the spiritual/emotional aspect of individual. I have found this preset to balance and uplift me. I have used it many times after work and it has taken away any pain or discomfort very calming and healing to me. It can be used in the background as well (without headphones). I was trying to create a preset that balances and restores. Fibronocci discovered a ratio that is found in all of life, often called the Fibronocci spiral.
It's spelled "Fibonacci". Fibronocci sounds like some kind of myalgic pasta.
Bravo! Your idea is worthy and I think using the concepts of scientists who actually experimented is the wise path. Leibniz boldy announced that Descarte's shortcoming in thinking was the result of too little experimenting and too much imagining.

This is easy to mispell... "fibronocci" ... isn't that the phylum label reserved for genetically challenged dust mites?

Okay, I'm going... I'm going!
it�s Fibonacci dude! im hesitating to dl this preset just because of the mispelling.
29-May-2004, matt
Yes, I see that I have mispelled it, who cares. I have the theory right, I was trying to be a scientist and not an english teacher. Tati don't download it please. Just a side note I made this preset in 2002 and just recently Patrick Flanagan has used the same idea for a special version of his Neurophone.
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