all the frequencies required for an obe.

amazing preset!!!

designed by AP

Submitted: 06-Jul-2005 by
Download preset: AP.bwg


4 stars with 15 votes.
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User comments

02-Aug-2005, Knight
Great Preset! i actually felt my body gettin lighter and numb, my head and hands felt like they were pushing out of my phical body but as soon as da hight pitched noise kicked in i got alert and it all went away. maybe becasue i had da volume high. any tips AP?
14-Dec-2005, CleanX
Turn the volume down, audible, but not too loud, second dont freak out, even if your scared just keep concentrating on the music.
24-Jun-2006, hughie
Hughie, be quiet. If you can't be open-minded, then maybe you shouldn't even be using Brainwave Generator. After all, this is all unconventional and if you can't believe a single thing here, then maybe nothing will work for you, in which case, kindly leave as you are only wasting our time and your own.
09-Jul-2006, Nathan
I agree. No please be open minded.
Does it matter if you are awake or tired? Or will it work either way?
Yes! Its working really :)

yes it matter.. better if you will be tired
16-Feb-2007, Delta
Can we clean this up?
hey Im new to this and i would like to know the best OOBE preset. OOBE 999 worked a little when it hit the low freguincy but that was it, it went as fast as it came.Can someone email me asap.

WOW. I think i actually projected that time. It felt so REAL. I still feel tingly. about 1 hour and 30 minutes in i started to feel it. At first i had like a shaky feeling. after i projected i had a crazy ass lucid dream of trying to get back so i could wake up. seems like it took forever. THIS PRESET WORKS. I might try it again later but it was so dark in my house. I wish i could do it during the day. CRAZY. thats all i can say. I kept tryin and tryin and tryin to take off my head phones. then i woke myself up somehow.
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
05-Jun-2007, Prathan
Ok, first of all, these spammers suck ARSE!!!! Second of all, about the tired thing.... I find that it is better if you're not really tired because you will be more likely to just slip off to sleep, but don't try it when you're too awake either (like 10 cans of Red Bull). Astral projection works best in normal conditions, quite surroundings (aside from the sound of the preset) and preferrably not at night either because your biological clock will be used to you going to sleep around this time
05-Jun-2007, Prathan
I'll be putting up my fourm up soon with many cool topics. I used to always listen to bwgen for learning and relaxing. It suck what they did to this site and they don't update it anymore.

By the my website is. www.talk-planet.com ( coming soon ) Be sure to come by, i'll have a forum just for bwgen, a wide topic for the most point.
Very nice site!
Brainwave generator kick ass !
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