
Nearly had an OBE first time on it. Three frequencies are brought down to a base of 1, and staying there for half of the session. The body becomes almost invisible in terms of consciousness.

Submitted: 27-Sep-2000 by
Download preset: descending.bwg


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User comments

I haven't yet had an OBE but this is a very good preset, in fact one of the best.
Very relaxing. I also find it a good one to help get to sleep.
Yes very relaxing indeed. After about 10 mins I went from state of total wakefulness to deep relaxation. Takes stress away. I could attain the border of
"wakefulness and sleep" much easier afer a few days of listening to this preset.
17-Nov-2002, (unknown)
i am listening to it now,just tosee what it sounds like and already i feel like i'm slipping out. must be because it it such a complex wave form overall
27-Mar-2003, (unknown)
I love it. No OOBE for me, but then I'm a bit skeptical about those anyway. I experienced brief dreamlike states early on and then felt "tilty"... don't know how else to describe that. Then I had a long period of feeling absolutely still, during which I had a sense of profound mental clarity. That lingered until the timer I had set for 30 minutes went off. The timer did not interrupt the state, however. I had to choose to open my eyes and move. While I do not think I lost conciousness at all, I had no real sense of time; the half-hour neither seemed shorter or longer, but had I not been sure of the time, I couldn't say how long it lasted. When I did move, I had spinal shivers and tingly sensations all over and, rather unexpectedly, intense sexual arousal. So intense that I could not resist relieving myself! ;-) Very satisfying indeed. Now, I feel very centered and chilled. I'm impressed. I'll be using it again.
05-May-2007, Bob
Hey Webmaster/Moderator wake up and clean up this spam! Everybody should send a complaint email to this site We didn't pay $30 or $40 just to let them not up date it and have it die! If nothing gets done then you should demand your money back..
hello, good site.
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