BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1  [+Now it will start$$76$1 m?%C^Bkgnd.dllThis preset was made from hemi-sync experiments (and slightly revised based on known BB frequencies). Hopefully it will induce an OBE, and in a small length of time. When I used a similar version I could SENSE flashes (in my mind) but not quite see them. That was a sure sign to me that it would help with an OBE. And now...frequency data from experiments I did... 35hz: Higher chakras would be unblocked (if not already) and so if an OBE occurred, there'd be more chance of the listener being _conscious_ of an OBE. Hopefully it's a significant frequency. | 4.6hz: "[35:44-36:07] 4.656-4.545=astral body separation helper maybe" | 6.3hz: "paused for some time, and then felt numbness gradually coming in: starting on my back more on the left side than right....after a couple minutes I think I MAYBE had a astral projection from the basement area where I was sitting to outside in front of the house" | 6.9hz - Results of experiments: "6.855=felt like I was somewhere else (sortof)", "6.9=astral projection heaviness" | 7.61hz: "7.61=AP helper" (I could tell this frequency calculation [based on minute and second of the preset] might help with an astral projection working with other factors) | 8.66hz: "better (more realistic) mind journey than I can normally cause (form of astral projection?)" | 9.5hz: "with eyes closed, it's as if i'm in the mental environment around me in my imagination while alert about it (astral plane)" | 11.7hz - Results of experiments: "11.6-11.8=astral projection again if tried to be imagined", "11.77=feel like I'm actually in a dream", "11.83-11.703 ^3=felt like I was somewhere else" A note: The 35hz is used only in the first segment and spans the first two minutes of this. Then comes the frequency combination to trigger an OBE. (Re)made by Travis W. - One final comment I'd like to make is that this description takes up a lot of page space.%d' '' d' '' $ d% ' d ' $j ' %d. ' d ' $ d ' d ' $ d '  d ' $jP@B @B'  P@B @B' $.h ' $d ' ' d ' ' %d/' '' d' '' %d/' '' d' ''  d ' d ' jP@B @B' P@B @B' .h '  d ' d ' jP@B @B' P@B @B' .h ' $ d ' d ' $jP@B @B'  P@B @B' $.h ' 1h ' $ ' ' $P NU U'  {' % NU U'  {' $ d*' '' 'd' '' $ d ' )d ' $5 ' + ' $ d  ' -d  ' $jP 4! @B"$ ' /P 4! @B"$ ' $.h ' %d'  ' d'  ' $ d% ' d ' $j ' %d '' d '' $ d ' d ' $ d '  d ' $jP@B @B'  P@B @B' $.h ' $d ' d ' %d/' '' d' '' %d/' '' d' ''  d ' d ' jP@B @B' P@B @B' .h '  d ' d ' jP@B @B' P@B @B' .h ' $ d ' d ' $jP@B @B'  P@B @B' $.h ' 1h '  ' $P N {  {' % N {  {'  d' '' 'd' ''  d ' )d ' 5 ' + '  d ' -d ' jP @B' /P @B' .h '  ' 2P N  ' 3 N  '  d' '' 5d' ''  d ' 7d ' 5 ' 9 '  d ' ;d ' jP@B @B' =P@B @B' .h '  ' @P N p p' A N p p'  d' '' Cd' ''  d ' Ed ' 5 ' G '  d ' Id ' jP@B @B' KP@B @B' .h ' ! !' NP N  ' O N  '  d' '' Qd' ''  d ' Sd ' 5 ' U '  d ' Wd ' jP@B @B' YP@B @B' .h ' % %' \P N  ' ] N  '  d' '' _d' ''  d ' ad ' 5 ' c '  d ' ed ' jP@B @B' gP@B @B' .h ' - -' jP N  ' k N  '  d' '' md' ''  d ' od ' 5 ' q '  d ' sd ' jP@B @B' uP@B @B' .h '  ' xP NP P' y N P'  d ' '' {d ' ''  d ' }d ' 5 '  '  d ' d ' jP@B @B' P@B @B' .h '